Monday, April 30, 2007

Nothing accomplished !

Thought of going out to Monterey but one thing lead to another, ended up sit on my butt the entire weekend. Well not exactly, planted 2 trees and some peneials but not exactly something I like forward doing.

I was reading Ken Rockwell's D80 manual over the weekend. It seems he recommend shooting in P mode and adjust the dial to "Program Shift" for variation instead of using A or S. So I am curious what other experts does out there especially in the under water photography areana. Do you use P, or A or S or totally manual ? And why ?
Hope the folks on Digital Diver will enlight me

Enjoy a lot of Jenny's photo set too !

It's only Monday, 5 more days to go before I head to Anacapa for the first time ! That's pretty exciting ...

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